Sunday, August 28, 2005


Ah, very good... up five points. Your value is rising.

You're on the 'up and up' ready to claim your prize that lies in the bottom of a Crackerjack box, your piece of the pie. Counting your praises, like pennies, hunched over a solitary candle, you sit alone by your laptop sifting through dusty volumes full of dusty ideas desperate to arrive at the next great original thought. A formulaic exercise in thievery, regurgitation, and repackaging. This blog, this so-called experiment, houses the concepts and theories you supposedly cast-off. A digital island of misfit toys, misshapen freaks, and there you sit surveying it all. Dr. Moreau himself. Creator, destroyer, fabricator of hypocrisy, lover of links... fat and bloated beyond reason: so full of reeking, fetid bullshit. This home grown concoction you ladle from a gigantic black cauldron kept in some seedy, secret back room where you cook up this disgusting stew. A little Wilde, a dash of Greene, a pinch of Ginsburg, a tablespoon of Palahniuk, and the list goes on. Varying degrees of theft.

But wait, isn't all art theft?

I hear a distant, rhythmic slapping sound, the sloppy sound of fucking, or maybe it's merely you, reading your own work which you humbly claim is unfinished and unpolished, tugging on your tiny pecker, your other hand, caught up in the moment, crinkling a copy of Neruda. Meathead assholes drive big trucks because they have small cocks. In the circles we run in, men who use garrulous, pedantic words also have small.... ideas? They have small... imaginations? Nah. I'm inclined to think they also have small, underused peckers. I'm inclined to think YOU haven't been laid in a year and a half. I'm inclined to think you want to bang some bright eyed, nubile lit student, perhaps woo her with your in-depth knowledge of Joyce, Dostoevsky, and Beckett, and failing even in this endeavor utterly. I imagine you sitting there on your throne, your Dickies around your ankles, wallet chain dangling, squeezing out your next turd, polished and gleaming - a scalding observational piece criticizing someone you've never actually met but think you know based off a select number of words or images this other person has carefully chosen to provide you. Someone you think you know because you will invariably compare this person to someone you knew once, or perhaps in your egocentricity, to yourself once upon a time. Someone you know because you read some books and compare this person to one of the many fictional, fossilized characters you surround yourself with. How pathetic.

A dinosaur on the verge of extinction attempting to examine and decipher the bones of Homo Sapien.

I can imagine a person like that. Despite whatever airs of sophistication they may try to hoodwink or bamboozle the rest of us with. Despite whatever masks they may choose to don. Despite their efforts to mingle with the common folk sipping Guiness discussing the latest indie bands, dressed in denim, Diesel, and black and white Chuck Taylor's complete with a small tattoo on their arm which thus screams their rebelliousness and surety. Yes, I can imagine a person like that and no, that person does not stare at me every night when I brush my teeth. I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about you and you know I'm talking about you.

Even if I wasn't, in your hubris and pretension, you'd still probably know I was.


Hermes said...

Nah, not you... him, over there.

Scribe Called Steff said...

Oh, dear. Why don't you say what you really think, hun? Don't hold back.

Ha. Nice. A little spurt of venom and a dash of vitriole all mixed nicely with veracity.

I get my alliteration badge for the evening.

(Trying for a bit of ironic pomposity, considering the post. Too fun.)

The Cunting Linguist.

Hermes said...

Steff. "A little spurt of venom and a dash of vitriole all mixed nicely with veracity."

Not a lot just a little bit. Don't forget the celery salt.

Danny. If I had a tiny dick I think I'd die. If I had a big head I also think I'd die.

Only a penitant man will pass.

emeralda said...

and I am happy to just find words to say something i didn't mean so anyways....

Adrian said...

I've wanted to do that for forever.

Hermes said...

Piranha. I'm not sure I understand your comment.

Aydreeyin. Do it brother. I'd love to read it.

It feels like I no longer carry that two-ton heavy thing.

Adams Avenue said...

So Herm - I'm curious. . . . Do you write to appease your audience, or do you write for yourself? Or is it a delicate mix of both?

Anyway, yes. I know you were talking about me, and him, and that other chick over there. But no matter what - you've got talent. And that's why we keep coming back for more.

emeralda said...

i mean by that that this post is - lets say it in a polite way - 7 miles ahead from where i even did not dream to be.
you know.
that is, i agree with colonialave totally and kiss - ehr- the grounds you write/walk/whine on?!


Hermes said...

Colonialave. I write for both. I write for me. This is how I wash my laundry. However, I also need my audience... or else I'd simply keep a personal diary. I love to bounce new ideas or scenarios off my audience. I need the feedback/praise/criticism. I don't measure my successes by the size of my audience though, if that's what you mean.

Believe me, this isn't about anyone specifically. It's entirely fictitious.

Piranha. Wow thanks. I appreciate the kind words, although bullshit. My writing isn't that good and your writing isn't that bad... or whatever...

LMB said...

Quite bitchy.

A little heavy handed, might rattle the cages of the high brows and finger pointers...but, I like it.

-G.D. said...

I always knew you were a whore.

LMB said...

By the way, three blogs in a row, been talking about your cock...

What's that all about? Ain't goin' queer iz ya?

Sealegs said...

hermes... is it possible to look at a person without catagorizing them? at all? i think the brain must catagorize in order to process and that sucks. i think its also good to know that no 2 humans are the same. so no matter what, people are never what you think they are. either way, i'm happy for the differences. or something like that. my computer let me read your blog tonight. i'm happy. still think your sexy.

LeeLoreya said...

"you talking to Me?"

I am currently recovering from overuse of words so everything that would come bubbling up in my mouth -such as "brilliant", "headache inducing", or "so very True" - in fact stays in my throat. Sneeze.

It's rather inevitable though, isn't it, this occasional rant directed towards your egomaniac writing self. Therapeutical self puking. Nice.

"There's no one else in this room..."

RuKsaK said...

You scary motherfucker. Have you got a secret camera on me? Hey - that was inspiring, so fuck you - I off to my ablutions.

Hermes said...

Isis. Be prepared to gorge then. Although I cannot guarantee you'll like the taste.

Desolation Angel. Three blogs in a row talking about MY cock? Whom, pray tell?

The cages gotta be rattled. Tested for strength and solidarity. Gotta keep the sharks out.

G.D. Manwhore is the proper term.

Sizzle. Glad to see you back girl.

I've learned the situation isn't always what it seems as well.

LeeLoreya. Misguided words spoken in anger and haste. I wish I could take them back.

Do you think I'd accept an apology from myself?

Tacit. Agreed. It's all about the prettiest packaging and presentation.

Ruksak. Good God man, where have you been? I've missed ya. Welcome back and yes, stop wooing those bright eyed literature students with your brilliance you sick fuck.

Rae Ann said...

I love a man who has a way with words. "A digital island of misfit toys, misshapen freaks" is spot on.