Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Game Hunting

“ Fuck, I think I’m gonna puke!” I lean forward and gingerly rest the tips of my fingers on the red brick. I close my eyes, grit my teeth, and focus on some random thought. Using my other hand, I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger attempting to stave off the alcohol induced vertigo and nausea.

Of course Angel doesn’t hear me. He’s 20 feet away chatting up a group of skanks.

The club is closing. The bouncers are herding everybody out like cattle. This is the last opportunity we’re going to have to find someone to take home. Unfortunately I’ve been sidelined, and Angel’s having an off night.

“Chango, no way I’m fucking driving, take these…” Speaking to nobody in particular, I reach into my pocket and pull out my keys. I extend my arm and dangle them out in the air like a carrot for anyone to grab. Angel snatches the keys from my hand as if on cue.

“Fucking bitches, acting stuck-up as hell. I’m not going to sit there feeding their fucking egos… hey you ok?”

I carelessly sit down on the pavement next to a stack of discarded flyers. My foot kicks a half-empty Guiness bottle causing it to spin. Sticky beer splashes all over. At this point, I could care less about my black slacks or Italian shoes. “Where the fuck have you been bro?”

“What do you mean where have I been? Trying to get us LAID Cabron!”

“Any luck?”

Angel’s ignoring me.

He’s scanning the crowd with a furrowed brow, a look of intense concentration splayed across his face. Like a lion, he’s searching for the easiest prey: the sick, the weak. Angel truly doesn’t give a fuck whether he takes home a fat girl, or a funny looking girl, or an ugly bitch. It's not that he's bad looking, on the contrary, he's a very good looking guy, dark and exotic. He simply doesn't care. He’s told me on many occasions, with pride even, “a hole is a hole.” That’s where we differ. I’ve always been a trophy hunter. I have to have the best looking girl by my side or in my bed. I’ve always felt I had a reputation to uphold. If I don’t hook up with the girl with the nicest set of tits, or legs, or the prettiest face, I’d rather go home empty-handed. Of course, like any man, I have a few skeletons in my closet. I’ve banged a few nasties here or there in a drunken daze. Or if, for instance, Angel’s needed me to “distract” an over-protective friend, thereby “taking the bullet.” He’s done the same for me… countless times. I’ll rationalize MY “lowering of standards” with this simple, elegant phrase:

“I find perfection in her imperfections.”

“Hey, look at them over there.” Angel points at two girls smoking by a silver Honda. They aren’t gorgeous, nor are they ugly either. They are simply… there. Imperfectly perfect. Generic. Fuckable. Something stirs inside me… something primitive.

Or maybe it's the booze.

“O.K I’m in. Let’s do this.” I hop up and dust the seat of my pants. I suddenly have a second wind. I’m feeling “firme.”

We walk over to the two girls to make our acquaintance.

I give a genuine, friendly smile. "Hi."


“ Do you have a lig-………..”

I’m unable to finish my sentence. I double over and puke the entire contents of my stomach onto the curb right next to the street, the Civic, and the two girls... a steaming, dripping pile of half-digested sushi, Red Bull, and Vodka.


SierraBella said...

So did you score?

heh heh heh

Unknown said...

Oh hermes NEVER drink too much on a sushi night!! i once threw up "half digested sushi" and my coat had to be cleaned at 3 TIMES - the cleaners people gave me dirty looks from then on, eventhough I tried to convince that the reason was bad sushi that made me sick... they didnt buy it---

oh and Angel sounds like quality :)

Hermes said...

Sierrabella. Heh, heh, nope. Suprised?

Ale. Angel is a unique flower. A true gem. ;)

However, I think it's IMPOSSIBLE to NOT drink on Sushi night. Cocktails and Sushi go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly.

Adams Avenue said...

Way to go Rico Suave. ;)

Thanks for making me laugh on this crazy crazy Wednesday. . . .

And I'd have to agree. Sushi and cocktails are like peas and carrots. LOVE them both.

Autumn Storm said...

I don't want you to get a big head, but....;-)
I love the way you write!
Only in this context could I find "a hole is a hole" so bloody hilarious - some sort of magic going on here, Hermes, and I am completely jealous of your talent.

Hermes said...

Colonialave. Well I'm glad my misfortune amuses you. ;)

Autumn Storm. My head is almost as large as my ass. So... no more chocolate chip cookies for me. Oh and keep those compliments Atkins friendly.

Sar. Knowing my cousin, a pretty girl attacking him with a Manolo Blahnik would probably make him hot.

WordWhiz said...

OMG! I should have seen that coming...but I didn't. Hysterical!! I bet Angel was laughing his ass off!

The Snakehead said...



Ok, I'm done now.

Hermes said...

Wordwhiz. He got a kick out of it. He teases me about it to this very day.

Sar. Hmmm, perhaps. Any ideas?

Snakehead. I was actually there and I don't think it's THAT funny.

Or was that a sarcastic laugh?

Unknown said...

the snakehead is funny!

i don't like cold drinks with sushi- but some hot saKe is good-

only my neck hurts afterwards...

..from all that head back throwing as I drink the shots - :) no-nooo- green tea! good for skin-

Scribe Called Steff said...

Gee, H, speaking of trophies...


But I agree with Angel's "perfections in their imperfections" comment. I'm that type myself. I'm attracted to a wide variety of men. And when it comes to who I wanna go home and fuck, it's usually not the pretty boys.

For me, attraction's as much about intellect as it is cock size and looks. Even if it's just fucking.

Like the bedside holy trinity or something.

The Cunting Linguist

Or for games the whole family can play:
The Last Ditch.

Hermes said...

Steff. The "perfection in imperfections" comment was MINE. I'm quite proud of it too.
"Ugly" sex can be pretty hot... once in awhile.

Autumn Storm said...

Shock, horror, Hermes - I said, early 20's - a man of 29 is but a year yonger than I.
Yikes! Should have put "getting oldER".

WordWhiz said...

No offense, Hermes...but I'd be laughing right along with your buddy! In fact, I'll be laughing when I relate this story to other people now!! Very funny. (I'm sure not so funny for you at the time.)

Joe said...

Man, that is fantastic. Wait, let me guess... you puked so hard it blew off the top half of your profile pic, right? :)

Scribe Called Steff said...

OOPS. Heh. Well. I was tired. :)

Nice line!

(By the way, I liked the imagery of the Guiness can splashing. Nice.)

Scribe Called Steff said...

And who says I do ugly sex? Ha. Speak for yourself. Heh!

I just don't chase pretty boys. There's a difference.

Nicole said...

Been there, done that, but I did get laid. Of course, it is easier for a woman.

:) Princess

PS: Beware-I married the fucker!

LeeLoreya said...

oh this is excellent, the beastly spirit of the night and tiredness and pointlessness....and other -ness things.... i think those stuck up girls act stuck up because they think that's how they can appear "mysterious" and "seductive" though in these early hours, i think it mostly makes them look like hypocrits...

extraspecialbitter said...

the moral of the story? avoid nausea-inducing pick-up lines. and beware of anything that stirs inside of you...

Hermes said...

Danny. I used to think acting like a whore was a talent. Then I actually met some of the talentless likeminded people around me.

Autumn Storm. I never said I was talking about myself. I'm as old as the hills.

Wordwhiz. As a matter of fact Angel and I were talking about this incident just today. We both got a good laugh out of it.

Digitalicat. Nah. Did I ever tell you that story when I crapped my pants?

Bi-polar Princess. A girl could have a deformed twin growing out of their belly and they could still manage to get laid. It's a lot harder for a guy.

Lee-Loreya. Exactly. Or they act stuck up because they're surrounded by drunken, horny assholes.

Tacit. Maybe it's payback for all that sushi I left on my plate uneaten so many times.

Extraspecial. Watch out for those Dragon rolls. My bowels were kickin' like Kareem Abdul Jabbar.

Jay. Of course you haven't. ;)

Sar. I'm all ears.

Vex. We all have our chubby stories. It's like jerking off. Anyone who denies ever masturbating is fucking lying.

Adams Avenue said...

Top Quality Sushi and 3 Vodka Redbulls: $78

Pimpin' Black Slacks and Genuine Italian Leather Shoes: $400

Puking all over yourself, your cousin and the girls you wanted to take home: Priceless.

It happens to the best of us ;)

Mad Munkey said...

OK - now THAT is a great story. Had you scored, it would not have been a good story. Thanks for the great visuals.

MrRyanO said...

Hey Hermes! Cool story...this is one I wish I couldn't relate to.

Joe said...

Hermes - No... I missed the crapped your pants story. Unless that was during one of my blackout periods.

Colave - Wait a minute... you've puked on girls you wanted to take home? We need that story.

Adrian said...

Very cinematic. Loved it. That poor puking bastard.

Rae Ann said...

I love sushi! But not on the sidewalk. I used to think that 'a dick is a dick' but then I grew up and got a little more discriminating.

emeralda said...

He was acting so....self contained, so
he seemed to like my beautiful friend, i thought i knew because i thought i can read body language.
i wanted him but i guess not enough because although i was obvious i wouldn t make a move.
so the guy has to make the move, again, again. Yeah, I have a hole, and wasn t i waiting for that the whole night?
i tried to leave that place three times. when i finally did he asked me where i d be next week. we wound up around the corner, is hands all over my body, and yeah i was hot so hot.

and couldn t swithc my fucking brain off.

was it just because i was looking like: take me now, and here"
would he have taken camilla with even greater pleasure.
did he only make this move because i was the only bad girl around?

fuck brains.

oh and good story but it just reminded me of this night...because i am still wondering...fuck that

Valerene said...

how gratifying can sex be when one is so wasted?

"do you have a lig(hter)?" is such a cliche pick up line, hehehe, if you don't mind me saying. does it always work?