Saturday, May 21, 2005

Non-Negotiable. part 1

Inspired by "Clublife."

Saturday. June 2003, 10:17 pm.

I showed up to work 15 minutes late due to traffic and my fucking prick of a boss is already busting my balls telling me to “suit the fuck” up and get my ass out by the VIP entrance. I grab my radio out of my locker, slip the ear-bud into my ear, and clip the wire to the lapel of the western-style long-sleeve shirt I’m wearing. It’s my favorite shirt, the tight, black and white one with the embroidered green marijuana leaves and shiny rhinestones. Instead of clipping the radio to my belt I instead slip it into the front right pocket of my intentionally-faded, low-rise “Energie” jeans, which by the way cost me over 165 dollars. On my way out one of the bar backs tosses me a Red Bull.

It was a hot night. Saturday is my least favorite night on VIP. It’s hip-hop night. There's already a line of thugs, shorty’s, pimps, and ballers stretching to the end of the block and halfway down the adjacent block and the club hasn't even opened it's doors yet. Saturday night is the worst night of the week in terms of monetary compensation. Usually, when I work VIP, I can pull in some decent jack as EVERYBODY thinks they’re a VIP and are usually willing to pay for a speedier admission. No one likes waiting in line, it’s humiliating and insulting. However, hip-hop night usually draws a more unsavory crowd. “Ghetto” could be a suitable word. There aren’t as many high-rollers which usually means I make less tips.

The first thing I usually do is walk the line. Walking the line is the process of cherry-picking the most attractive girls and escorting them up to the VIP line. That way, if someone happens to drive by they’ll see a huge group of fine-ass girls near the front entrance and the likelihood of them stopping at our establishment increases exponentially. It's also an opportunity to address any dress code issues earlier on, and thereby avoid an ugly scene in front of the club, and also as a courtesy to the customer, prevent an unnecessary 2 hour wait merely to be turned away at the doors.

On this particular night, as I start to walk the line, I spot 2 dew-rags and 2 jerseys in the first 20 ft alone. Usually patrons are good about removing their beanies, dew-rags, or sports caps upon being asked because, put simply, if they don’t, they will not fucking get in. There are always those few assholes who think they’re above the dress code. They’ll take off their beanie and cram it down their pants mistakenly thinking this will suffice. It doesn’t, when I ask you to remove your dew-rag I’m really TELLING you to take it out to your fucking car or toss it in the trash cause you sure as FUCK aren’t bringing it into my club. Of course, I’m a little bit more polite. A lot of these losers have nothing better to do than sit in their cars at the crack of dawn, waiting for me to leave the club, so they can beat the shit out of me or better yet, cap my ass. Working VIP has its perks, namely untaxed, cold, hard cash direct in my pocket (getting paid under the table is a blessing…especially when you’re on unemployment - which I was at the time), but the flip side to this is there’s the possibility of making a lot of enemies. However I digress.

So I spot 2 dew-rags and 2 jerseys. The first three guys obediently removed their questionable apparel upon being asked/told. The fourth guy was a bit more difficult.

“Hey, do you have a t-shirt underneath that jersey?”

Dude just stares at me. He's Mexican and he either doesn't understand or is pretending he can't understand. It's usually the latter with these guys.

I turn to his buddy and tug at my shirt as I say: “Tell your friend he's not getting in with that jersey. He needs to remove it.”

They converse en espanol. “Hey Mee-ster, where he gonna put it? We were dropped off.”

“That's your business.”

They converse some more then they turn away and continue to stand in line as though our conversation didn't even transpire. What the fuck?


These two dickwads continue to ignore me.

“All right, get the fuck out of the line, you're not getting in.” I motion to the head bouncer, Socko, to come over. Socko is the guy who landed me the job in the first place. He's an Armenian monster, about 5'8", but built like a fucking tank. Easily over 3 bills. He also happens to be my girlfriend's (R____), sister's boyfriend.

“Hey Mee-ster, we don't have no car, yo.” All of a sudden this fucking lowlife piece of shit speaks English.

“Oh you can talk now. Well then didn't I just tell you two to get out of the line? You're not partying here tonight.”

“But Mee-ster...”

“No, it's non-negotiable.”

I hear Socko start giggling behind me. “Non-negotiable....” he softly repeats to himself. You see, the ongoing joke at this club between the bouncer staff and I is that I'm somehow “too educated” to be working a job such as this. Whenever the guys would overhear me use correct grammar or syntax, or bust out a word with more than two syllables, they'd always snigger among themselves. Despite the fact I know how to fight, and have participated in quite a few altercations, and have size, and tattoos, and all of the physical characteristics of a bouncer, I could never fit into their world, or maybe they weren't allowing me to. Maybe I'm just the pretty, shit talking, firecracker VIP guy. Consequently, I stopped trying to become one of them. I'd merely show up, do my job, and go home.

So this dude again has the balls to turn his back on me AND Socko and continue to stand in line with his piece of shit friend. At this point I get really pissed. Normally I keep my cool, but tonight I lost it. Perhaps it was due to some extraneous drama going on in my personal life, or perhaps I was just tired and pissy, but was ready to blow off some steam on this piece of shit. You see, the key is to maintain the utmost professionalism up until the client takes a shot at you. Once this occurs, it's open season. So I proceed to lay the bait.

“Hey stupid..."


Scribe Called Steff said...

Tee hee. I enjoyed this. Fun, fun.

I love swearing. Don't you? What a blissful act it is.

Yeah, great posting. I wanna hear about the fight. I like violence. Eet's see-xxy, mee-ster.

Hark, do I hear hash browns beckoning?

That was the good posting I've been surfing around, in search of. Oh! Now I'm gonna watch a surf movie with breakfast. Yay!


Kirsi Marcus said...

Sometimes I wonder if any of its true, or if your just a briliant liar. You worked as a bouncer in a club.

The more I find out about your life the more interested I am. I understand that you cant tell us details, but just so I get somewhat of a better understanding, I have a few questions.

Please answer as many of them as you feel you can.

First off I'm curious as to approx. how old you are. Mid twenties? Mid thirties?

What is your career?

Do you live in a small to mid sized town, or do you still live in a city as this post would suggest?

Whens your book coming out?

Could you write us a description about yourself? like a charator profile, it would be so interesting.

Hope you dont find me too curious, but I cant help it, I'm an avid follower. Like a groupie. hehe

WordWhiz said...

Sar: Agree with your feelings concerning the section you quoted in your comments.

Hermes: I'm on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next installment. This reminded me of a lot of the movie, Studio 54. Did you see it?

You've got your readers trying to deduce your secret identity. Are you loving it?

WordWhiz said...

PS: Did I tell you the story about "It's Raining Men", did you read it on another blog or was the mental image that you alluded to recently on my site a bizarre example of your psychic powers?

shana p. said...

ah, laying bait.... I am sure it went down easier than my underwear on my first date with Mr. C.... great story.

SierraBella said...

Another good story!
Make everyone wait for the book to come out before divulging your bio.
Mystery is so sexy...

Hermes said...

Steff. Part 2 is on it's way. Or, maybe I should do a prequel?

Sar. Thanks.

Kirsi. If I were to tell you all of those things then the aura of mystery would be gone!

I will tell you this: the story is true (as are most of my writings, although names and places have been changed). I bounced at various clubs for over a year and a half and have many stories from that period. I am 27 years old. I used to live in NYC, but have since moved to a smaller city. Sar was dead on with her assessment. I've never really thought about trying to write a book, but every day that passes I contemplate it more and more.

That's all the detail I'm willing to give right now. However, every story I tell I always happen to give away something new, and I promise there are more coming.

I love the fact you are fascinated with my life/me. I'm quite flattered actually. Who would object to having groupies? ;)

Wordwhiz. I haven't seen "Studio 54" although I have been to Studio 54 at the MGM Grand in Vegas. My dad lived in Manhattan back in the day and he went to the actual Studio 54 before I was born.

Nah, I remember catching an episode of "Sex and the CIty" where they went to Staten Island to see some "firemen" strippers.

Ally. The crescendo is building.

Cheesecakey. Sometimes the shit goes down much easier than I'd like. Although in this scenario (as well as you and Mr. C) it was planned to a T.

SierraBella. Oh the thing is I WANT you guys to find out what happens, if we wait for the book that may be never!

WordWhiz said...

Hermes: Your Dad went to Studio 54 before you were born. Oh thanks...rub it in. In 1978 I'd just turned 18 (drinking age back in the OLD days) and made it to a couple of discos before the craze died out. I never did get to Studio 54, however.

"It's Raining Men"
Two years ago, on a cruise, I was in this wild bar called Carlos & Charlie's (ask someone who has been there and trust me...they are NOT exaggerating) in Cozumel. My friend and I requested the song, "It's Raining Men." The dance floor there is built in tiers, like risers, so you're dancing above floor level. Suddenly it occured to us - we were the ONLY two females out there. There we were, dancing and singing along: "'s gonna start raining men..." and the guy next to me leans over and says: "It's already happened, honey. Don't you see all these gorgeous men around you." What a hoot. I think I actually hugged the guy! It was the highlight of our entire vacation. Dancing with the gay guys to "It's Raining Men." How cool is that?!

Scribe Called Steff said...

Hermes, I think you should do both. What the hell.

As for Haloscan, I got all freaked out after you said your thang on that, but know what? Even though all my old posts show 0 comments, I click on it and ALL the comments appear.

I think it's only the counter that has a limit on it, that the comments/data itself are fine, just not the counter/hit number.

But I'm just a lowly Canuck girl. What do I know?

Hermes said...


Oh no, you're absolutely right. The comments are still there, the counter is inaccurate AND in 3 months you might even lose the comments altogether, so just... be careful.

I think you said comments should be the "blog reader's form of rent?" I want the value of this property to be more identifiable. That would mean an accurate counter. ;p

Adrian said...

Cool. you've got the language down, nicely; jerseys, walking the line. I fucking hate Hip Hop night. Nothing but a whole lotta ganja gangsters and some punk not getting laid and looking to get into a fight.

You should have gotten hazard pay on Hip Hop night.

jazz said...

i hate those guys. those guys that don't always let me into clubs b/c i'm not 5'7" and blonde.

boo boooooo....

Adrian said...

Need Part 2. Where is it?