Friday, October 28, 2005

Tangled up in Blue

Rain pisses down in buckets. The sun went away and the whole city is pitched in a metallic gray and every car that passes is black. I lay flat on my back on the grass, reclined, with my arms behind my head and my legs crossed staring at the sky which stares back, not at me, but at the homeless junkie fast asleep 10 feet away. Despite the chilly wetness and the piercing wind, I smile, arrogantly detached in my black tank and raggedy jeans. Tiny droplets bead all over my prickly beard and freshly shorn scalp (#1 attachment and a pocket mirror - a homegrown deal cause I'm crafty and cheap) It’s really quiet except for the sound of passing cars which splash through murky piles of sewage and mud. There's also the wind whistling through the branches of the naked trees, producing a gentle clatter... a skeleton wind chime. I pucker up my lips and sing along with squinty, wet, wild eyes.

I think it's time to pack my bags, wrap my shit up in a hankey danglin' off a stick, and head back east for a bit.


WordWhiz said...

I thought you lived out west somewhere but this post sounded a lot like the northeast has been lately - wet...gray...rainy...unceasing!

Vivid image...great!

jeckles said...

Tangled up in blue? Where have I heard that recently?

Headed back east. Be sure to look me up while your back on the right coast.

-jkg said...

if this is the real deal, reach out when youre here.

RuKsaK said...

Your latest two remind me some of Richard Ford - you read any of his stuff?

kathi said...

Again, hauntingly brilliant and soulful.

Adams Avenue said...

Nice. It's about time you migrated over to this side of town. You owe me a drink.

the green fairy said...

i'm a little confused at your last two entries.

i agree: literal or metaphorical?
-green fae

LyZa said...

would have loved to sit under the rain myself.

Hermes said...

Vex. Sure. Can you get me a job?

Red Egg. A little bit of both.

Wordwhiz. Thanks. Sounds like my life as of late... "wet...gray...rainy...unceasing."

Jeckles. A great song recommended to me by a great man.

JKG. As soon as I wrap up some loose ends here... I'll let ya know. Unfortunately, my job and possessions have wound up owning me.

Ruksak. Richard Ford... nope never read 'im. But now I have something to add to my Amazon wishlist.

Kathi. You, my dear, are much too kind.

Colonialave. You owe me a couple of Karaoke numbers.

Green Fairy. A little bit of both sis.

Lyza. I could have used the company.

Sealegs said...

are ye runnin' away from your love? or just needin a break?

the east. good choice. a great deal o' bounty and treasure can be found in those parts.

LMB said...

You realise you don't need me to say get up offa yer rusty dusty and take trip...

Just don't forget to write a report about it.

The Snakehead said...

I bet you looked hot in your wet tank and ragged jeans.

You live a life that I don't understand, and I admire you for that.

LyZa said...

oh, i'll definitely lurve to sit with you.