Sunday, November 06, 2005

Etiquette lesson pt I

Vision blurs as I trudge, not walk, up and down each lane searching for a bottle of Coke, cigs, and some NyQuil in this labrynthian supermarket montrosity. One stop shopping has never been more convienent... or has it? I'm looking forward to downing 3 shots of this foul-tasting, green shit, and then sleeping the worry-free, deep sleep of the dead. No ephedrine or hit from the glass today or yesterday so my body isn't accustomed to being awake without help. Disorientation. Vertigo, fatique, and claustrophobia hit me from all angles as I try to stay balanced and keep my eyes straight ahead, as I seemingly float past the miles and miles of packaged, dehydrated, calorie laden CRAP. I try my best to ignore the queer glances and hushed laughing. Slept til 4 and I could have kept sleeping if it wasn't for this annoying sore throat, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching head, and inability to rest. The grocery store and it's blinking, red neon sign and magazine racks beckoned me out of my silken cave - as the sirens tempted Ulysses. Funny, I didn't even bother to throw on jeans, just a black t-shirt, my pajama bottoms and flip flops. Haven't shaved for days... or showered... I probably stink. My asshole probably stinks. I've had caustic runs. Yesterday I discovered blood in my stool. My sister said I should get this checked out as it could be something serious. I shrugged and nonchalantly told her it was just hemorroids.

As is usually the case, there are only two registers open and a mile of pissed off customers in each line. I only have two items so I take my place in the “20 items or less” line. I stand and patiently wait, watching the inept store manager scurry about eyeing the growing throng of consumers. After about five minutes he finally gets a clue and opens up another register, directly to my left. I'm one person away from ringing up my merchandise so I tell the guy in front of me that the other register is open now and he was here before I was so he should jump into the other line and ring up his stuff. Before he could even respond some fat fuck appears out of nowhere and impetuously shoves his cart past myself and the gentleman in front of me into the now open register. I guess his business, his time, was more important than anyone else's. I guess common courtesy and manners don't apply to him. I guess he's the god-damned king of the grocery store.

So I say to him, “ What the fuck? You think we've been standing here for our health?”

He ignores me. I take a place behind him fully intent to teach this asshole a lesson in etiquette. I slam my shit down on the sticky conveyor belt. “Hey you FUCK, I'm talking to you.” He continues to ignore me but he's moving quicker and his face is red and his brow is starting to get sweaty. Scared. Obviously he's not accustomed to sick-as-hell, delirious, incensed motherfuckers such as myself adressing his bullshit behavior.

“Listen prick, I'm going to give you three seconds to look at me and acknowledge I'm speaking to you before I dump the contents of this drink all over your coat.” Thoughts of provoking him into taking a swing at me so I can choke him out, here at register three, here at Smith's in front of everyone to see, swirl through my exhausted brain.

The guy in the other line interrupts, playing the peacemaker. “ Look man I appreciate what you're doing here but it's not really a big deal, it's not necess....”

“No, it IS FUCKING necessary. This piece of shit thinks he can butt his FAT ASS in front of us? I've been standing in line for over 5 minutes, you too, and this ASSHOLE just barely walked up. No. Hell no!”

I'd finish the story but I'm seriously too pissed off, and deliriously exhausted right now to continue. Maybe later.


extraspecialbitter said...

The question is this: were you permitted to bring the Nyquil with you in prison?

kathi said...

You just did what we've all wanted to do at several times in our lives.

Autumn Storm said...

Intrigued to see, where you are headed with the last post and now this one. They are no less 'hermes' and the same high standard, just a little different in style. Hurry up and rest, can't wait for part II.

Adams Avenue said...

All I can say is the guy's lucky he only cut you off in the grocery check-out line.

He could have been a dead man if he cut you off in traffic.

Get better, hun.

Hermes said...

Extraspecial. If things had progressed the way I wanted them to it'd have been self-defense. And I'd have had witnesses.

Kathi. Every person has a breaking point. I reached mine a long time ago. You wouldn't want to drive with me.

Autumn Storm. I've noticed my style is influenced by whatever it is I'm reading.

Colonialave. Cutting in line is one of my biggest pet peeves. I'll usually always say something to the person who did it or to the checker who allowed it to happen.

In this scenario I was already extremely volatile and perhaps overreacted... Nah.

-G.D. said...

withdrawal sucks, eh?

LMB said...

Yeah, I'm getting over a cold, myself. You should NEVER come to El Paso were line cutting is acceptable and delt with sniviling apathy.

Terrorizing the obese...Hermes, I love you.

Hermes said...

G.D. Even more motivation to clean up.

Desolation Angel. Just performing my civil duty. You'd think in Texas they'd be even bigger sticklers on manners and shit like that.

Now, do you really love me or is this just pillow talk?

Trena said...

I'm sorry that you're not feeling well but oh so glad you're posting and not getting classified in a county jail somewhere for assault and battery. I don't know about where you live but where I live, it's 2 to 7 in the Big House and as angry as you were, probably would've been more like 5 to 15 cuz here, the content of your drink would definitely be considered a weapon (if the mother fucker). Jon is right (Jon's Jail Journal), people visit Phoenix on vacation and leave on probation!

Please get better physically and mentally cuz I don't want yet another prison baby (Selfish Mother talking here).

Walking the Line at Smith's is a hell of a lot better than Mess Etiqette on a Violence Management Unit!

If I ever get my next post entered, you might come by for Honorable Discharge. I'll let you know when it's done.

Remember "Free Your Mind and Your Ass will Follow".

Hang in.


the green fairy said...

this was probably the damned funniest thing i've read in a long time.

excellent job bro.

teh l4m3 said...


Nicole said...

Will have to try that sometime, I can blame it on the bipolar.

:* Princess