Monday, February 06, 2006


Drunk, horny old dude leaning next to the bar with a lecherous smile tells every girl who walks by: “ Damn. You’re hot.” Same line over and over like an LP belting out Beatles tunes on crackling repeat. Black and white visions of John and Paul, with nappy mop-top haircuts, running through a sea of sobbing girls and flash-bulbs.

But that was yesterday.

The chorus of screams has died down. The hysteria of youth now replaced with a dull, barely-audible buzzing sound as his ticker struggles to pump blood through expired veins and clogged arteries. He’s an old tin can in a ratty bag full of tin cans collected next to a busy freeway overpass. Obsolete. Yesterday’s model sitting on a dusty thrift store shelf marked ten cents. No man’s treasure, every man’s trash. Whiskey-dreams and faded memories fuel his courage. Nothing to lose at this point, everything to gain. His pride sleeps in the bottom of a dumpster in a sticky puddle of garbage-juice. A pride long ago abandoned by it’s owner.

Yet in quieter moments, when he's alone in the bathroom taking a whiz on wobbly legs, when he's introspectively gazing in the mirror at his grizzled reflection, he swears he's still the same high school football hero who fucked the homecoming queen.

He's even told me, with misdirected trust and beaming pride , that he looks like Johnny Lawrence.


-G.D. said...

you can squeeze pathetic zest out of this one.

LMB said...

So this is what it's like when doves cry.

jonny said...

I think we should boycott you until you write more than a 3 paragraph tease (grizzles).

RuKsaK said...

i won't be boycotting - that was delicious - delicious in a horrendous way.

Anonymous said...

ok, then. no boycott. How about we get someone to sing/seranade?

Adams Avenue said...

The home coming queen, huh? Not bad, Mr. Lawrence.

How does that one saying go?

"It is better to burn out, than to fade away. . . "

Poor guy, he has faded to resemble the dust bunnies under my bed. Fuzzy, worthless, pointless, pathetic. Existance would be best without.

Hermes said...

G.D. You can squeeze it until it inevitably pops and squirts hot, white puss all over your reflection.

Desolation. Or disease-ridden pigeons, whatever.

Johnny. My mind is empty except for this steady leak. Care to insert a tampon?

Ruk. Delicious like a cocaine drip.

Colonialave. Yes. Sensei Kreese would frown on such weakness.